The UQ Tennis Club's 2025 Tournament Program continues with the Summer Night Series Tournaments.
After a short break for Christmas and the New Year, Sunday Afternoon Social Tennis is restarting on...

2025 January Singles Challenge

N.B. ENTRIES CLOSED. Entries closed early on 28 December as max. 35 entries received.

Anybody wanting to go on the standby list in case of any withdrawals should contact 

The January Singles Challenge will be played on Saturday morning, 11 January, starting at 8 a.m 

The Singles Challenge will be a UTR-tiered event with players divided into round-robin groups of five based on their UTRs – the top 5 UTRs in Group 1, the next 5 in Group 2, etc.  Every player will get four one-set matches during the morning.  Each group winner will receive a $50 gift card.

The aim will be to have a small range of UTRs in each group.  Where possible, separate male and female groups will be formed; but men and women may be combined in the same group if that is the best way to achieve an even competition.

Entries close on Sunday, 5 January.  Entries closed early on 28 December as max. 35 entrires received.

However, as the competition has to be limited to 35 players (7 groups of 5, using 14 courts), entries will be closed early if 35 entries are received before 5 January.

Entries must be lodged on-line via the Tennis Australia Tournaments Website here. ENTRIES CLOSED

For more information, go to the tournament Info Sheet here.

To play in Tournaments and enter tournaments on-line, players must have a Competitive Player Profile linked to Universal Tennis Ratings and a Tennis ID (11-digit number starting with ‘66’).  To find your Tennis ID or create a Competitive Player Profile & Tennis ID & UTR link go to: 
Anybody who has a problem logging in, or entering events once logged in, should contact Tennis Australia via or Ph 1800 752 983.